The “Disciplining Other People’s Children” Dilemma


and Positive Parenting Solutions, Inc.

Parenting educator and TODAY Show contributor, Amy McCready is a ‘former yeller’ – she’s been in your shoes. So she understands what it is like to feel disappointed and even defeated at times trying to raise positive, happy, well-behaved children. Now, she’s trained more than 60,000 parents in over 21 countries, on 6 continents to transform themselves from YELLERS to calm and cool parents with the tools and strategies to solve the stress, and start to ENJOY their most important job: Raising terrific kids.

How we can make your life so much better.

From backtalk to bedtimes. Tantrums to power-struggles. Toddlers to teens. Get the help you need to feel EMPOWERED and PROUD at how you handle anything parenthood throws your way, and raise strong, respectful, considerate, and even HELPFUL children. And you can start TODAY. No cost. No stress. Just real-world solutions you can implement IMMEDIATELY to create a happier home.

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